Posts Tagged ‘Custom Pins’

An Inexpensive and Powerful Way To Boost Your Brand

July 17, 2008

Lapel Pins – An Inexpensive and Powerful Way To Boost Your Brand

According to a press release issued over PRNewswire recently, top branding executives have projected some findings that are quite interesting. The insights they offer can have a profound impact on your branding strategy.Lapel Pins Communicate Trust, Reputability and Environmental Concern

Denis Riney, Executive Vice President of FutureBrand states, “We are seeing a rise in informed consumers who are demanding to know about the company behind the brand. Is it trustworthy, reputable, environmentally friendly? We are seeing companies bringing their corporate brand forward.”

Lapel pins can easily help you communicate a positive image about the issues at hand. For example, you can create lapel pins that display hands shaking and offer the slogan of “Full Disclosure – Complete Trust.” Perhaps lapel pins that show a tree and stream with a statement that reads “Working To Keep Our World Clean” or “95% Recyclable Materials Used” would work well to convey a message about environmental friendliness.

Lapel Pins Help Employees “Live” Your Brand

Scott Davis, Managing Partner of Prophet offers these words on the role of employees and branding: “Employees must understand the common themes of their brand and how they fit into it. There are three phases to engaging employees in branding: hearing it, believing it and living it. It’s getting employees jazzed. They must be involved at the very beginning of the process so they understand the voice of the brand and can translate it to their own area.”

In order to get your employees “jazzed,” create lapel pins for specific departments. Make the lapel pins applicable to how each department within your organization fits into the branding strategy.

By offering an attractive lapel pin that employees can wear with pride you accomplish two goals. First, you execute the first two of Mr. Davis’ three-phase employee branding outline – hearing it and believing it. Lastly, the lapel pins help employees to visualize their role within the company in order to “live” the brand.

Lapel Pins Boost Customer Service Efforts

Cayce Blanchard, Director of Corporate Communications, Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics USA, Inc., makes this statement with regard to the importance of customer service: “We get all of the Web inquiries and complaints and respond personally and track them. It’s so important to remember that we are talking to people here who want to hear a voice. That personal touch is so important.”

When you are working with a customer on service issues, nothing makes the statement of “We’re here to help” more than offering a tangible gift. By sending a lapel pin designed specifically for customer service purposes to the client, you’re offering something that shows you’ve heard their complaint, you’ve overcome their complaint, and you’d like to offer them something for their trouble.

In today’s world of emails and faxes, a personal effort to package and ship a gift makes a tremendous statement!

While lapel pins have always held a vital role in traditional branding, they are now becoming more important with issues customers are now bringing to light. In addition to creating lapel pins for product launches, new rollouts, movie premiers, grand openings, and new and improved products; consider creating lapel pins to address the current issues of the day. Your branding campaign will be much more fruitful for your efforts.

Contact us today and let us help you create a line of lapel pins that meet your specific branding needs.

Toll Free Hotline: 1-800-252-0904

Lapel Pins Create A Sense of Pride With Continuing Education Programs

July 2, 2008

While many companies implement a variety of continuing education programs, most neglect to give praise to employees who take advantage of such offerings. The common line of thought is that a sense of accomplishment should come from within the employee simply for completing the tasks involved with the continuing education class. While that may be true, public recognition of employees’ accomplishments does wonders for the success of such programs.

What many companies have found is that offering an award for completion of education programs (such as lapel pins) is just what is needed to keep employees interested and motivated to learn. In turn, those employees display an increased sense of company loyalty, and a renewed desire to give their all while at work.

After all, one of our most fundamental needs is the need for acceptance and recognition. When that need is fulfilled, employees feel more valued. When employees feel more valued, they tend to be more productive.

National hardware stores often use lapel pins as recognition for completed continuing education programs. Because their employees must have a wealth of knowledge about the departments they work in, they are required to participate in a variety of classes. As an employee “graduates” from a class, they get a lapel pin to add to their vest. As with the military, the more “decorated” you are, the respected you are.

The same holds true for department stores. Employees are encouraged to take courses on customer service, computer operation, employee relations, and so forth in order to become more valuable to themselves and their company. When the courses are completed, employees receive a lapel pin to proudly display on their uniform.

Banks have also discovered the value of recognizing employees who continue to grow and achieve. Once a career path is decided, employees must then take a specific number of courses before promotion will be considered. With each completed course comes a simple recognition ceremony and the giving of a lapel pin commemorating the accomplishment.

Offering lapel pins as your continuing education incentive is a win-win for you and your employees. Because lapel pins have a high perceived value, they are readily received by employees and appreciated. However, these high-quality, attractive lapel pins cost less than $2.00 each so they easily fit into any budget.

For industries such as medicine, technology, real estate, sales, accounting and other ever-changing businesses, continuing education is a must. Providing employees with the additional recognition of lapel pins and public acknowledgement can help to encourage them to stay on top of their gameā€¦ which in turn helps your company stay ahead of the competition.

We’d be glad to work with you to create a series of lapel pins that commemorate the accomplishments of your employees. Contact us today and let us create the perfect designs for your continuing education lapel pins.

Lapel Pins Boost Traffic To Your Trade Show Booth

April 14, 2008

Lapel Pins Boost Traffic To Your Booth

It’s no secret that the key to trade show success if driving traffic to your booth. However, finding the secret to building that traffic is another story. Many trade show experts will tell you that several tactics have been proven to work well. Some of these include:

  • Having a visible banner or sign that sparks interaction – Perhaps the banner above your booth could read “Ask me about free ways increase sales.” This would give the trade show visitors a reason to stop and talk with you.
  • Creating a unique and interesting booth – The more unusual you are, the more likely you are to stop traffic.
  • Send invitations and tickets – Send written invitations to your client base and include a free ticket to the trade show. Encourage your existing clients to bring an associate with them.
  • Giving something away free – The higher the perceived value, the better off you’ll be with freebies.

While many people choose to go with “typical” freebies, these can be so common that they simply don’t make much of an impact. One suggestion is to offer custom lapel pins at your booth.

The cost of lapel pins is extremely low, but the visual impact is quite high. The perceived value of lapel pins also contributes to their popularity. Viewed more as jewelry than a promotional item, lapel pins are well received by the public.

Lapel pins also create a good deal of excitement. It’s relatively easy to unleash a viral marketing campaign right within the trade show hall. Once word gets out that you are giving away attractive lapel pins free-of-charge (or perhaps in exchange for a business card from prospects), the tide of traffic will undoubtedly shift toward your booth.

Tips for Creating Lapel Pins

When creating lapel pins for your next trade show, you’ll want to take a few suggestions to heart in order to get the biggest response.

1. Give due consideration to the design – Of course you’ll want your logo or company name on the lapel pin. But you may also want to incorporate something else into the design. American flags are extremely popular right now. Combining your logo with an American flag would give added “wearability” to your lapel pins.

2. Color is a naturally attractive – The human eye naturally turns toward color. Including several colors in your lapel pin design can make the lapel pins more attractive and desirable.

3. Choose a larger size – Lapel pins are available in a variety of sizes. For trade shows, you may want to opt for a larger size in order to accommodate your logo, name and/or other information.

Tips for Building Traffic With Lapel Pins

1. Have booth representatives wear the lapel pins – When your booth representatives wear the lapel pins themselves, those who stop by your booth are more likely to want one.

2. Encourage others to “tell-a-friend” – Don’t hesitate to tell your booth visitors to spread the word about your lapel pin giveaway. Making it known that you’d like to give a lapel pin to anyone and everyone at the show is a great way to instill word-of-mouth advertising.

3. Exchange lapel pins for information – You may want to require that booth visitors complete a survey or questionnaire. You might choose to ask them for a business card in exchange for a lapel pin. Use your imagination, but don’t make the process too extensive.

For an average cost of $2.00 per lapel pin, you can boost the traffic to your booth – even on a budget. We’d love to discuss the design and production of lapel pins for your next event. Feel free to contact us today!

Toll Free: 1-800-252-0904